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Company, commercial & competition law
Company, commercial & competition law
Designing Regulatory Policy with Limited Information£37.70 £37.70Examines policy design when the policy maker in imperfectly informed, focusing on cases where the regulated firm possesses better information about its technology than the regulator. Learn More
Human Rights and Corporations£273.45 £273.45High-profile corporate infringements of human rights, the rise and rise of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and on-going efforts to regulate corporate behaviour through legal regimes, at both domestic and international levels, have spawned a mountain of academic literature and commentary. This volume assembles the leading essays from this body of work. Learn More
Goyder's EC Competition Law£68.80 £68.80This book provides a detailed analysis of the evolution of EC Competition Law and policy and of the main substantive and procedural rules that govern it. It covers all of the main topics studied on both undergraduate and postgraduate courses and examines the major recent developments that have taken place in this rapidly changing area of law. Learn More
Networks: Legal Issues of Multilateral Co-operation£111.20 £111.20This volume is the outcome of a conference held in Fribourg, Switzerland, which focused on the legal treatment of contractual networks. Learn More
European State Aid Law: A Handbook£366.15 £366.15This handbook endeavours to provide practical guidance in State Aid cases and will be of great use to competition lawyers. Learn More
Current Law: Statutes: 2010 (Vols 1-3) Bound Volumes£1,382.40 £1,382.40A guide for non-tax specialist commercial lawyers to help manage the tax issues which arise in a wide range of commercial transactions. Chapters have been written around the core transactions in key areas of commercial practice. There is also coverage of what the practitioners need to know when dealing with the tax authorities. Learn More
Understanding Regulation: Theory, Strategy, and Practice£53.75 £53.75Based on cross-national and cross-sectoral case studies, the revised and updated second edition of this seminal and successful text provides a multi-disciplinary introduction to key debates in regulation, including fundamental and institutional strategies and issues surrounding the design and operation of regulatory institutions. Learn More