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Agricultural law
Agricultural law
Agricultural Law in Scotland£152.95 £152.95Details the steps to be taken in an agricultural tenancy from its inception, through succession to the tenancy, to termination. This book identifies potential pitfalls and offers practical advice on how to avoid them. Learn More
Crofting Law£128.95 £128.95An accessible and up-to-date guide to the complex statutory regime which regulates crofting law in Scotland. The first text to cover the Crofting Reform Acts of 2007 and 2010 and the Crofting (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2013. Learn More
Muir Watt & Moss: Agricultural Holdings£277.40 £277.40Building on the success of the author's earlier work Debt Arrangement and Attachment, this new volume of annotated legislation has been expanded to include the amended text of the Debtors (Scotland) Act 1987. Learn More
The Commons, Plant Breeding and Agricultural Research: Challenges for Food Security and Agrobiodiversity£132.00 £132.00This book shows how social science can contribute towards reconfiguring legal frameworks to achieve a balance between the requirements of agricultural innovation and access to genetic resources and protection of agrobiodiversity. Learn More
A Global Corporate Trust for Agroecological Integrity: New Agriculture in a World of Legitimate Eco-states£84.85 £84.85This book examines global environmental governance and how legal, institutional, and conceptual reform can facilitate a transformation to a new 'natural-systems' form of agriculture. Learn More